A 132 m del hotel
Kysucká 8480/27
Una guía para encontrar alojamientos fantásticos cerca de Holiday Inn Zilina by IHG
A 132 m del hotel
Kysucká 8480/27
Hokejový oddiel bol založený v r. 1925 s názvom ŠK Žilina. V r. 1945-49 sa podarilo vybudovať umelú ľadovú plochu, v r. 1961 bola zastrešená. V sezóne 64/65 a 2005/06 bola Žilina majster Slovenska!
A 164 m del hotel
Domovský štadión MŠK Žilina, "Šošonov". Viacnásobných majstrov Slovenskej republiky a úspešných účastníkov Ligy majstrov! Celková kapacita: 10790 miest na sedenie.
A 235 m del hotel
Športová 9
Ak chcete nieco pikantne, tak si istotne dajte polievku.
A 381 m del hotel
P. O. Hviezdoslava 16
Pizzas, thin and good portion of vegetable or whatever you are looking for.
A 477 m del hotel
Národná 17
Great bookstore. And you also have a great café right in the bookstore while shopping or after.
A 0.6 km del hotel
Nám. Andreja Hlinku 7/B
The building is one of the most beautiful and as to architecture one of the most important Jewish constructions in Slovakia. Realized by the world-known German architect Peter Behrens.
A 0.6 km del hotel
Kuzmányho 1
Everything here is really awesome :) The best beer pub with rotating taps around :)
A 0.7 km del hotel
Kuzmányho 8
Every sunday between 15.00 -20.00 hod. Take tiramisu or cheesecake and get coffee or cappuccino for free.
A 0.7 km del hotel
Sládkovičova 1
the best cafe in city, great oreo cheesecake and home made products
A 0.8 km del hotel
Štúrova 9
Fantastic venue for conferences and contemporary theater.
A 1.5 km del hotel
Závodská cesta 3